Sunday, August 27, 2017


Working on loving myself, accepting myself, not being so hypercritical.

Self-criticism is a defense mechanism. It keeps others from criticising us. Also, it's a sign in general of our ability to be non-judgmental, of others as well as ourselves. It's easier to be non-critical of people who are strangers or acquaintances, but once people get close to us, the judgments come. Thus being self-critical likely means, perhaps inevitably means, that person will harbor judgment and criticism for family and romantic partners.

God is unconditional love. The truth of the universe is unconditional love. For all of you, for each of you.

This does not mean the universe condones behavior that is not in line with the Tao, with Dharma, with Righteousness. But the saying is hate the behavior, not the person. Never the person. Hate the ignorance that is warping the behavior, but know that at the core of all of us is a perfect divine spark.

The question I have is how to reconcile these two seeming opposites: radical and unconditional self (and other) acceptance and love, and radical self-responsibility and the holding of oneself to a high standard of Righteous behavior. Love and acceptance but not permissiveness.

I don't know what that feels like. It's mostly one or the other for me. Need to investigate further and ask for enlightenment on the matter from Life, God, my higher self.

My first lead is just trying to talk to myself like I'm talking to a cute little kid. Externalizing that makes it easier to understand, because it's easier to forgive and be compassionate towards others.