Thursday, April 7, 2016

Knowledge as Service

"Knowledge is a resource that should be shared." This is what comes to mind, months after my last post. I have a lot of information, and a reasonable amount of experience, and I care deeply about truth, and about sharing effective tools for leading a better life.

I guess what I'm saying is, I should post more to this blog. It's difficult to decide where to post a blog entry sometimes, since I've got a weekly update on life news, and often philosophical musings end up there. But I will do my best to post here a little more regularly. For those who aren't interested in my life, per-se, may not even know me, but are determinedly seeking Truth. Or Love. Or something that they can't quite put their finger on, but they know is out there, drawing them inexorably onwards.

If I have this knowledge and I don't share it, it is selfish. Like having lots of money and not using any of it for helping those less fortunate. Sharing it also helps me to put it more into practice myself.

So, let's see how much more often I can do this. I'm going to commit to at least something, even if it's just a few words, every month. Let's say by the first of the month.

See you in May, if not sooner.



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