Monday, September 2, 2019


I am two months behind.

I am behind in basically everything. I would love an extra two weeks where nothing new was required of me, so I could catch up on everything. But life doesn't tend to give us such things.

I am working on being more efficient, so I need less of that time. I'm working on organizing things better, so what I do takes less time. And I'm setting the intention and goal of leading a life where I do feel like I have plenty of time. Historically, when I do something like that, eventually, I succeed, so, it's exciting and joyful to think about how that will be, when I finally figure it out.

For now, it is nose to the grindstone, with a little extra grind and I try and take some time every now and then to work on improving things so I will eventually get to spaciousness.

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